Get ready to start saving money every day! It’s as simple as showing your 25Score Card locally when you make a purchase. Check out the list of merchants on our website, www.25Score.com, on your PC or with a shortcut on your mobile phone. New merchants are added weekly, so check our updates often. Your 25Score Membership also allows you to ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MEMBER-ONLY DISCOUNTS NATIONWIDE through our print-at-home E-Ticket Program. Have a staycation and visit California attractions. Travel to Disneyworld in Orlando on a whim. Go to that Vegas show you always wanted to see. See the latest Broadway Show in New York. Cheer on your favorite major league sports team. Rent a car and so much more. You are only limited by your imagination!

25Score is Santa Clarita’s longest-running local loyalty discount membership program in the Santa Clarita and Antelope Valleys.  Established in 1989, over 35 years later we are still offering discounts to our members LOCALLY on Dining, Services, Retail, and Entertainment, and NATIONALLY on Discount E-Tickets to movies, entertainment, amusement parks, car rentals, live theatre and so much more.

Whatever you are looking for, we have a discount for that! Use the SEARCH bar on our home page on your PC or Mobile phone to search by merchant or category. Visit www.25Score.com!  Click below for a partial view of 25Score Merchants:




Play for less, across the nation! Members have EXCLUSIVE access to discounts in Santa Clarita, Antelope Valley, California, and beyond! Save money on Theme Park and Amusement Parks, movie tickets, concerts, hotels, rental cars, Staples, Sam’s Club membership and more….anywhere in the U.S.

EXCLUSIVE Member Discount E-Tickets

Find Savings on our mobile friendly website and put the shortcut on your phone to get 25Score savings at your fingertips. Look for the 25Score Sticker in the window at most of your favorite businesses in Santa Clarita and Antelope Valley, or just ask if they honor the 25Score Card when you go to pay! 25Score saves you money on things you buy every day!
