25Score, Since 1989 helping the community community!

25Score supports, Schools, Nonprofits, local businesses, and local residences with our loyalty program.

25Score has been supporting the community since 1989. Over 35 Years. 25score has been a loyal partner for Hundreds of Schools, Churches, Sports Teams, and local Non-Profits. Our local loyalty membership card allows our fundraising partners to raise money. 25Score raises awareness of many of the activities of our community Schools and local merchants. Our program helps locally owned-companies.

champions merchants to give back to our loyal membership group a discount almost everywhere they go. Our members are Teachers, Moms, dads, students, and owners. our members and merchants are our backbones. More than ever, we will rely on all our members and merchants to help the community return from challenges never before experienced. We truly believe the Higher tides lift all boats. Do you need help patching your boat or bailing? We want to help. Please let us know if you may run aground and navigate to safe waters again. You belong in the 25Score.



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